
This chapter summarizes some of the widely-applicable guidelines for handling numbers in technical context. In financial, marketing and other contexts where the guidelines may not be applicable, editorial judgment must be used to preserve clarity, precision, logic, and readability within any particular document.

Arabic Numerals Versus Spell-out

When to Use Arabic Numerals

When to Use Arabic Numerals

When to Use Arabic Numerals



When a single-digit whole number is used as an adjective

8-digit code

For 10 and greater whole numbers

ESP8266 has 17 GPIO pins.

For large numbers that are not expressed with high precision, the text form may be a combination of numerals and words, e.g., 7 billion people.

For 2-digit ordinals and larger

2nd, 10th


  • 1 byte

  • 2.4 GHz

  • 3 V

  • 5 grams

This is true whether the measurement is spelled out, abbreviated, or replaced by a symbol.

To express dates, the time of day, pages, chapters, figures, steps, notes, and numbered items in documents

  • April 8

  • 09:30

  • Chapter 2

  • Table 2-1

  • Step 1

This rule does not apply to expressions with hours, days, weeks, or other units of time. Example: 24 hours, two days, three years


90% duty cycle

When used as input

Type 1, and then press Enter.

When representing parameter values

The default value of this register is 0.

When to Spell Out Numbers

When to Spell Out Numbers

When to Spell out Numerals



Single-digit whole numbers

ESP32 has three UART controllers.

While beginning a sentence with a number

Eighteen pads have low power capabilities and analog functions.

It is better to reword the sentence so that the number comes later. Example: Out of the 40 physical GPIO pads, 18 pads have low power capabilities and analog functions.



Single-digit ordinal numbers

first, second

Maintain consistency among categories of information; that is, if one number in a category requires a numeral, use numerals for all numbers in that category.




ESP32-S2 has 1 LCD interface, 2 UART interfaces, and 43 GPIO interfaces.

ESP32-S2 has one LCD interface, two UART interfaces, and 43 GPIO interfaces.

When two numbers that refer to separate categories must appear together, spell out one of them.




two 8-bit D/A converters

2 8-bit D/A converters

10,000 and Greater Numbers

Use a comma “,” to mark off groups of three digits for numbers of five digits or more.


  • 10,240 bytes

  • 10,000 B.C.


  • Do not use commas in page numbers, addresses, and decimal fractions.


  • page 10011

  • Pune-411045

  • 3.14159

When Referring to Quantities in a List

In the English version, omit the prefix ‘1 x’ when an item is in a single quantity, opting to simply name the item. For multiple quantities:

  • Spell out numbers for single-digit whole numbers.

  • Use Arabic numerals for 10 and greater whole numbers.




  • 12-bit SAR ADC

  • Two temperature sensors

  • 12 GPIOs

  • 1 x 12-bit SAR ADC

  • 2 x temperature sensors

  • 12 x GPIOs or Twelve GPIOs

In the Chinese version, omit the prefix ‘1 x’ when an item is in a single quantity, opting to simply name the item. For multiple quantities, use Arabic numerals for all numbers.




  • 12 位 SAR ADC

  • 3 个 UART

  • 1 x 12-bit SAR ADC

  • 3 x UART 或三个 UART

Numeric Ranges, Dimensions, Series, and Placement of Units

A range of numbers and the accompanying unit can be expressed with a single unit symbol after the second number of the range, except when the symbol cannot be separated from the number (e.g., “%” symbol). Alternatively, the unit symbol may follow both numbers of the range. Whichever style is selected, use it consistently.




23 to 47 kV

23 kV to 47 kV

10% to 15%

10 to 15%

If a range begins a sentence, spell out the first number and write the second as a numeral, or recast the sentence. Generally, any accompanying units will appear only after the second number and may be abbreviated. If the unit must also appear after the first number (as for “%” symbol), then write out both units or recast the sentence.





Eighty to 240 MHz of frequency is available for the CPU clock.

80 to 240 MHz of frequency is available for the CPU clock.

It would be better to recast the sentence into “CPU clock frequency is adjustable from 80 MHz to 240 MHz”.

For dimensions, use a multiplication symbol (not a small letter “x”) or the word “by” to separate the measurements.


  • 10 × 55 × 5 mm or 10 mm × 55 mm × 5 mm

For a series of numbers, place the unit after the last numeral only, except when the unit symbol cannot be separated from the number.




12, 17, 43, and 66 kV

diameters of 5 and 9 mm

15%, 22%, or 31%

15, 22, or 31%

For more information on using units of measure and unit symbols, please refer to Chapter Measurement Units and Abbreviations.

When Referring to Money

Currency Sign vs. Currency Code

It is recommended that currency amounts are expressed in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) currency codes, instead of currency signs. Currency codes are specific to a currency, and cannot be confused or misinterpreted by the reader. Currency symbols such as the dollar sign ($) are not unique and are easily misread.




The ESP32-DevKitC is priced at 55 CNY.

The ESP32-DevKitC is priced at ¥55.

The following table shows examples of currency codes.

Examples of Currency Codes



yuan renminbi


U.S. dollar


Canadian dollar


Hong Kong dollar




pound sterling


Swiss franc




If you do need to use a currency sign, place it before the figure: ¥300, £100, etc. Always make clear to what currency you are referring.


Avoid using abbreviations (e.g., m, M, MM for millions, K for thousands), when referring to money in technical context. In financial or other contexts, please consult department-specific guidelines.

Fractions and Decimals

  • Hyphenate spelled-out fractions used as adjectives or nouns.


    • One-third of the book

    • Two-thirds completed

  • Write decimals with a period (full stop), not a comma: 0.75, 6.4.

  • When units of measure are not abbreviated, use the singular for quantities of one or less, except for zero, which takes the plural.


    • 0.5 inch

    • 0 inches

    • 5 inches

Phone Numbers

It is recommended that telephone numbers follow the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standard: ITU-TE.123.

International telephone numbers begin with the plus sign followed immediately by the country code, then by the area code, and the number.


  • You can reach Espressif by calling +86 021 6### ####.

The leading plus (+) signifies the international prefix. Spaces are used to visually separate groups of numbers.

National telephone numbers begin with area code included in parentheses followed by the number.


  • You can reach Espressif by calling (021) 6### ####.

The parentheses indicate that the area code is not always dialed and they should not be used in an international number.

For better readability, please use non-breaking spaces to keep telephone numbers on the same line. If a telephone number is close to the end of the line, you get +86 021 6### ####. The number is treated as one word.

Addresses (Mailing)

Mailing addresses may have different standard formats in different places. Please follow the mailing address formats when writing Espressif corporate addresses.

Espressif China Office Mailing Address Format in Chinese

Address Elements



[province, city, district]

碧波路 690 号 2 号楼 101 室

[street name with street number, building name or number, room number]


[company name]

邮编 201203

[postal code]

Espressif China Mailing Address Format in English

Address Elements


Espressif Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

[company name]

Suite 101, Block 2, 690 Bibo Road

[room number, building name or number, street name]

Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, Pudong

[district, city]

Shanghai, China 201203

[province, country, postal code]

Espressif Czech Republic Office Mailing Address Format

Address Elements


Espressif Systems (Czech) s.r.o.

[company name]

Holandská 878/2

[street name + block number and/or building number]

639 00 Brno-Štýrˇice

[postal code + city name]

Czech Republic


Espressif India Office Mailing Address Format

Address Elements


Espressif Systems (India) Private Limited

[company name]

G-1, Eco Tower

[flat number, building name]

Baner-Pashan Link Road

[street number, street name]


[locality or neighborhood]


[city, postal code]

Maharashtra, India


Numbers in Chinese Text

If Arabic numerals are used in English text, please use Arabic numerals in the translated text. If English words are used in English text, please use Chinese words in the translated text.



Translated Text


20 mm

20 mm

7 billion people

70 亿人口



10 percent


For percentages, don’t mix numbers and words, e.g., 百分之 10.



When Referring to Numbers in Examples or Interfaces

Represent numbers taken from examples or the user interface exactly as they appear in the example or the user interface.

Example (see Figure below)



See 123-45-678, as shown in the interface below.

See 123 45 678, as shown in the interface below.

Example for Representation of Numbers

Example for Representation of Numbers

When to Use Plus Signs

The plus sign “+” is usually used to indicate that two or more numbers should be added together, or to indicate a positive number such as +85 °C。

In some cases, it is also used to indicate “over” or “more than” when placed after a number. However, it is strongly recommended to avoid such expression and use “>”, “more than” or other to express the meaning in formal technical writing and official documentation.

Example :



The soldering time should be more than 30 s.

The soldering time should be 30+ s.

Use plus signs to indicate “more than” only:

  • In informal texts

  • When there is only limited space and conciseness appears to be most important

Numeral Systems

A numeral system is a writing system for expressing numbers. In general, we recommend decimal and hexadecimal numbers.

  • When describing large numbers relevant to software development or system design, for example, in programming guides or register descriptions, please use hexadecimal numbers. They provide a human-friendly representation of binary-coded values, and are less prone to errors as they represent large numbers with fewer digits. Please add “0x” to the beginning of hexadecimal values.


    • If the pin level of ADDR is low, then the address is 0x23, otherwise it is 0x5C. Configure the field EFUSE_OP_CODE of register EFUSE_CONF_REG to 0x5A5A.

  • When describing quantities, measurements, money, time, etc., please use decimal numbers.

  • Do not use Verilog number format in the above cases, e.g., 1’b1 or 1’h0 in register descriptions. This is not easy to read and may lead to mixed use of different numeral systems.






